User Handbook & FAQ
1. How do I sign up?
It is very easy, so don't be afraid! Please refer to the step-by-step tutorial below.
不用害怕,註冊會員帳號非常容易! 您可以看一下以下的逐步教程熟悉流程。
2. How do I purchase a plan for myself / my kid?
如何為我/我的孩子購買 會員計劃?
Our membership plans differentiate according to different age groups, days of attendance and the duration of the membership.
For example, Art Roof Top offers classes for kids and teenagers every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. You may choose to join 2 days out of the 3 teaching days, and purchase a 5-month membership of the days of attendance selection.
You can use 1 account and purchase multiple plans. For instance, if you have a 6 year-old kid and a 9 year-old teenager attending our lessons, and you would like to join our evening adult session, you can manage all these plans in 1 single account.
Please refer to the step-by-step tutorial below for more information.
比如說,Art Roof Top逢星期三、五及六提供兒童及青少年課堂。您可以選擇3天當中上課2天,然後購買其5個月的會員計劃。
3. How do I book a lesson?
We offer drop-in classes, membership plans and private classes for our customers from Monday to Saturday. You may book drop-in class for a one-off experience of our art education, but we strongly recommend you purchasing our membership plan and joining our art community! If you wish to have one-on-one tutorial by our prestigious tutors, please write to us about your learning goal and request.
With the plan purchased, you are given a certain number of session credit, so you are eligible to book its relative sessions. For instance, if you purchase a 2-Day 3-Month 6-9 y.o. kids membership plan, you will have 24 session credits for booking 6-9 y.o. class. (Please note that the credits are not transferrable, and we do not provide refund once the membership has started. Should you have any questions, please contact Art Roof Top directly.)
You may check our regular class schedule on the website. (Please note that we do not offer classes on public holidays.) Although members are given the flexibility to change their booking, the priority of booking is given to customers who have selected their regular time slot.
Please be advised that there are days when we have special events or arrangement (eg. Covid-19 measures), so some sessions may be affected. Thus, please check the "Book Online" on the menu bar for our latest availability before each lesson.
Please refer to our step-by-step tutorial for more information on how to book a lesson.
購買計劃後,帳戶將有相應計劃的課堂額度,供您預訂相應的課程。比如說,如果您購買每週2天共3個月的兒童課程,您將有24個課堂額度以預訂6-9歲的課程。(請注意:相關課程的額度不能轉讓他人使用 或 轉換到其他計劃;一旦計劃生效,我們將不接受退款。如果您有任何疑問,請直接聯絡Art Roof Top)
因應場地租用 或 特別開放時間(如 新冠肺炎對策),某些課堂會受影響。您可以在目錄列的"Book Online" 查看我們最新課堂時間表。
4. How do I check my booking?
As soon as you have become our site member, you can enter your member page to check your bookings. You can manage your booking from there. Please be reminded that your booking and rescheduling should be done 24 hours advanced to the day of the lesson. If the rescheduling is due to sickness, please provide the medical certificate.
Please refer to our step-by-step tutorial for more information on how to check your booking.
5. What if I have forgotten my password?
6. How do I download and use the Wix Mobile App?
如何下載和使用Wix 手機應用程式?
If you are not a computer person, you can choose to download the Wix mobile app to manage your bookings and purchased items from your phone. Download the app from our mobile website's banner- it is very easy to use.
(Please note that we noticed there may be some synchronisation issues between the app and the website - for instance, members can still see deleted services and plans from the app. We have spoken to Wix about this issue and we hope this issue will be fixed in the near future.)
PS. 我們留意到Wix手機應用程式與電腦網頁有同步錯誤的漏洞。比如說,會員依然可在手機程式找到已刪除的課堂和計劃。我們已將此事匯報Wix團隊,希望此小問題不會為您帶來太多麻煩。如有任何疑問,請與我們聯絡。
Can I book multiple lessons at once? 我可以一次預訂多個課堂嗎?Unfortunately, the booking system does not have multiple lesson booking function at the moment. For instance, if you are booking 3 different lessons for 2 kids, you need to repeat the booking process 6 times. 很抱歉,我們的課程預訂系統尚未支援多課堂同時預訂。比如說,如果您想為2位孩子預訂3個不同日期的課程,你需要重複預訂步驟6次。 You may check our step-by-step tutorial to learn how to book a lesson. 您可以看一下以下的逐步教程了解如何預訂課堂。
How to separate the booking information of my two 3-5 y.o. kids? 如何分清楚兩個3至5歲孩子的預約紀錄?If you want to separate your booking record between the two, all you have to do is write down **each student's name for each booking**. The confirmation email will send you back the information, and you shall see two different names on the mobile app. 如果您想在電郵和手機應用程式分清楚兩個孩子的預約紀錄,只需要在每次預訂時分別寫上兩個孩子的名字。確認電郵將會回傳您填寫的訊息,您也可以在手機程式看到兩個不同名字的紀錄。
Why can't I book the lesson? 為什麼我無法預訂課堂?This is a case-by-case question. Maybe your plan is expired, maybe your session quota is used up, maybe the lesson is full, and maybe you have purchased a wrong plan at the beginning. 這個問題很難統一回答:也許是因為您的會員計劃已過期,也許是因為您已用完所有課堂額度,也許課堂參與人數已額滿,也可能是因為您一開始就買了不適用的會員計劃。 We received a lot of comments since we started shift everything online, it is understandable that we all need time to get used to the system. We are working on improving our support to customers regarding online booking and payment. 自轉用網上預約系統以來,我們收到很多意見反映。我們理解,雙方均需要時間習慣這套新系統。我們正努力改進支援會員預訂和支付。 If you find the FAQ is not useful to your queries, please do not hesitate to contact us via Live Chat, or via 如果你認為常見問題不夠回答您的疑難,請即透過Live Chat 或 artrooftophk@gmail.com與我們聯絡。
Can I choose to pay by bank transfer or in-person? 我可以選擇親臨付現或銀行轉帳嗎?At the moment we are moving all transactions online. We no longer accept bank transfer or cash payment as before. However, if you do have troubles regarding the payment, please let us know so we can better assist you. 現階段,我們正逐步將交易轉移至網上系統。我們不再接受銀行轉帳或現金支付。如果您發現線上付款相當困難,請聯絡我們幫忙。
Can I purchase the plans in advance? 我可以提早購買會員計劃嗎?Yes! You may purchase our plans anytime up until the start of the day of your class. 您可以随时購買計劃,直到即日早上。